- MetriCal Laboratories LLC
1 Sinco Place #93
East Hampton, CT 06424
P: (860) 267-1109
E: metrical@sbcglobal.net - © 2023 MetriCal. All Rights Reserved.
If you choose us as your full-service calibration provider, you will be provided with our gage recall software which contains all required information including “as found” conditions, characteristics checked, with full NIST (National Institute of Standards Technology) traceability. This fully digital, paperless system expands the opportunities for cost savings for our customers as well as fully conforms to federal standards.
Our Paperless Gage recall software enables us to provide you with full-service calibration management. By computerizing all records of your test equipment, we eliminate any paper system along with the need to have one employee dedicated to calibration management. With this electronic, paperless calibration and recall software, we are able to record the identity of each gage, which characteristics are tested, previous calibration results and certification for each gage. These records are stored both on-site and at MetriCal, assuring conformance with ISO 9000 requirements that such records be maintained off-site for security backup.
With a full range of services from mechanical and dimensional calibration and certification to first article and part inspection, our goal is to consistently put the customer’s needs first. We understand the importance of time and money–that’s why we have created a usable pricing structure, offer free pick-up and delivery of your test equipment, and provide rapid turnaround times at every stage.